I started this post a few weeks ago and never finished it. So now I'm posting for dates Nov. 6-25. To indicate period breaks, I have added some dashes so you know when I'm jumping from one week to the next. Also note that each section is relatively done in present tense because when I was writing, it was in the "now", though it is currently pretty old news. I know! I've been so lazy! But I'm sure that you all know that I get lazy with blogging anyway.
The weekend before last was a blast. It started on Friday night when I went to the City to have dinner with Jen Jen, Kimi, and Patti. I got the scoop on how Rob proposed to Patti and found out the Jen Jen is expecting! How exciting! On top of that, Uncle Victor kept bringing out yummy food and wine. It was awesome. I took BART out to Daly City where Jen Jen was acting as taxi driver in Auntie May's 4Runner. After I got in, we went to go pick up Kimi and Patti. I had forgotten how steep the street they live on is. It feels like a roller coaster when you go up and down it. I don't think I'd fancy driving up and down on that everyday and I definitely wouldn't like to park on it. It's a good thing they live on the bottom of the hill so that they don't have to worry about the hill parking. Their neighbors, however, aren't so fortunate. After practically closing the restaurant out, I headed back home where I met up with Nick before heading to Shanna's to play some Rock Band, which was great fun.
Get ready for the longest list sentence, which I'm not even sure is grammatically correct because I don't know how/never use semicolons, I have ever written. After going to an engagement party for a couple of Nick's friends, a going away party for Shanna, spending as much time with Shanna as possible before she left last Tuesday, coning my mother into buying us a whole Rock Band set and five different games (on her birthday, mind you), making a card and taking my mom out to dinner for her birthday, my weekly dinners with Melanie, Kevin, and Talan, wine night with some new girlfriends, Nick's car getting hit across from our driveway, Christopher's Napa band review, going to a Bouchon Bistro in Napa with Nick, trying raw oysters for the first time and enjoying them, buying a new Kitchenaid Professional 600, baking scones and messing them up, joining a gym so that I can continue baking, attending a gem show where I got some awesome necklaces, and hanging out with Nick I am POOPED! That pretty much sums up the last two weeks. Below are a few pictures of a couple of the events that took place.
Clear Topaz, which my mom's friend, Mrs. Minnich, says that shady vendors try to pass off as diamonds.
In front of the bakery where Nick got his Macaron. (Not to be mistaken with a macaroon. I had no idea macarons existed.) I need to try to make these things with my new mixer!
I totally botched these up. For some reason I was reading two different lines at once. I saw that I needed salt, but then I guess my eyes skipped up a line to see that I need two tablespoons. The horrible part is that I checked twice because I was thinking that it was way too much salt. And I read it incorrectly the second time too! So instead of adding two teaspoons of salt, I added two tablespoons. The scones didn't turn our horribly. They were still edible with frosting on them. Nick said that they were like biscuits with cranberries in them.
This past weekend (Nov. 21-23) was another full of fun and packed with events. Friday, was quite busy for me even though I really wasn't doing that much. I just seemed like a lot. On Thursday I got maintenance done on my car, which ended up messing things up with my radio. Basically, since I got the battery replaced the anti-theft radio mechanism kicked in and now I have no radio. I was supposed to get it fixed on Friday, but it was a little too busy around the house for me to do that. I had plans to go out dancing with Nick and a couple of our friends, but had also promised to make some pumpkin pies for Christopher to take to his girlfriend's Thanksgiving party. Since the Big Game was the day after and I was planning on having friends to come and hang out to watch the game I made some pumpkin chocolate chip cupcakes. I got the recipe from Allrecipes and just altered it by adding the chocolate chips.
...I've been working on this post for almost three weeks now on and off. I'm over it. Today I got my radio fixed and the recall on my windshield wipers finally taken care of. For the last week or so I've been conversing with Julie on and off about doing a "joint custody" thing with Emmy since she is back in CA. Edward had really long hours at school so he sent her home where she would be happier. After getting Edward's consent, I will be sharing Emmy with Julie and Mrs. Levie until Edward moves back home. It may be just a short time, but it's better than no time. My mom and I went to get her a new crate and bed today, among other things. I just hope she remembers me! It's been quite some time.
P.S. She definitely remembers me and she took up all the space on my tiny little bed last night even though she has a brand new doggy bed not two feet below mine.