Sunday, January 28, 2007

Christopher's tooth

When I was still home Christopher had injured that front tooth that he messed up when he was younger. He had bitten into a piece of pizza and messed it up some how. Obviously, the pizza had something in it that wasn't supposed to be there. Everyone stay away from RoundTable! Anyways, he had to go have it checked out because it was bothering him so much. Turns out that since he waited a while to go have it looked at, an infection set in and attacked the root. He had to have it pulled and got a fake tooth retainer thing. I know, I couldn't visualize it at first either. Let me finish my story first before you get a picture. I guess he's too young to have a root canal so he had to get that thing. He said that when he gets older he can get his root canal. Okay, here's the picture:


Austin said...


Anonymous said...

Poor kid, but you could at least lie for him and say he busted his tooth out while rock climbing or something better than eating pizza... Mmmmm... Pizza....