Friday, April 11, 2008

My stress relief shopping spree

Today I went to out on a shopping spree, if you will, for more shoes and found myself at Barnes and Noble. I did find a couple of pairs of shoes at Payless ShoeSource, but I think I might return them. I'm still on the fence because they really cute. The black pair are actually red, but the site didn't have a picture of them in red.

I also bought myself some cook books with the gift card that Mrs. Levie gave me for my birthday last year. I finally got out there and got stuff. The Good House Keeping book had a 30% off sticker on it so I thought that it was a good deal (originally $24.95). Anyway, so when I was checking out I noticed that my total came out a little bit too high. I asked the cashier about it and he had it fixed. Apparently the book went off sale, but they didn't take the stickers off. They honored their mistake and gave me $8.09 back. Yay! Go me! The manager even said that I had a good eye. I'm horrible at math, but when it has something to do with my hard earned money those little wheels in my head keep coming.

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