Monday, May 14, 2012

Tonight's Dinner: May 11, 2012

I had defrosted some fish at the beginning of the week that I wanted to use up before the weekend since I knew I wouldn't be around to eat it.  A friend stopped by for some drinks and chit chat so we did a little fish and asparagus fry.  As we know, fish isn't my favorite so I wasn't really sure if it tasted okay or not (or even how long to cook it for that matter).  It was fine to me, but Nick thought it could have used some salt, which I didn't add.  I figured the breading and garlic flakes was enough, but clearly not.  The texture was nice and flaky without being dry so the two minutes on each side worked well. I'm just glad that I was able to use the fish.  I've had my fish fill for a while.

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I didn't realize this was so blurry, but I was trying to get dinner on the table
before it got cold. 

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