Thursday, November 04, 2010


I hope all of your Halloweens went well.  Nick and I had a good time watching the Giants game at a local micro brewery called EJ Phair in downtown Concord with a bunch of friends.  After that we did normal Halloween-y stuff around the area.  Only a couple of us were actually dressed up for going out.   I only had my mask.  Since it was so simple, I put on bright, glittery blue makeup to match the glittery blue of the mask and majorly curled my hair using bobby pins and a hair dryer.  Man, being a girl is hard work.  Of course while I was looking very unlike myself and more like I belonged next to Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, I saw a mom of a high school friend at the brewery.  She recognized me when I was sitting across the room from her.  I waved and made sure to put on my mask so that she knew that it was part of my costume.

This week we have Emmy since Julie and Edward are at a conference.  We've been walk-running almost every morning this week.  I always come back red faced and sweaty, but she doesn't even look phased.  At least it calms her down during the day when I'm working and can't play with her.  By the time Christopher comes home she's ready to play all over again like she didn't even go for a three mile walk with me!  I wish I had that much energy.  Since she is home though, I haven't been going out much.  My family likes it because I cook for them.  On Tuesday we had my chili and cornbread that we bring to the Big Game every year.  I made it on Monday so that it would be nice and tasty for when we dug in for our Tuesday night dinners.  I also made pumpkin pies for the occasion.  Last night (Wednesday) I made Coq au Vin and tonight I plan to learn to make Ox Tail Stew.  Yum yum!

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