Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tonight's Dinner: Sometime in the week of July 15th

Dinners lately have been, lets say, lack luster.  Many times now while I'm at the gym Nick will pick up something for himself and I will eat eggs or salad.  Yeah, not very exciting and not exactly blog worthy.  One night last week I did, however, have a craving for fish tacos after the gym.  I stopped at Sprouts to pick up supplies on the way home.  Nick grilled up some fish while I took Emmy for a short, three mile run where we met a nice elderly couple who thought she was a pretty woof.

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Since I have been on such a health kick, I wanted to try out
protein powder again.  My Dad used to try to sneak it into my
milk when I was a kid and doing competitive gymnastics.
I could always tell because of the mealy texture.  I thought that
maybe because I'm an adult and was able to get past the fibrous
texture of my green juice that I could get past the protein powder.
Oh how wrong I was.  I couldn't even drink half of the glass.  Good
thing Christopher is trying to bulk up too and doesn't mind the
texture as much.  He is getting good use of it. 

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In case anyone was wondering what my green juice looks
like before it's blended, here it is.  From top to bottom: spinach
tomatoes, celery, and cucumber.  After this is all blended, I
add a few more handfuls of spinach.  I add about two tablespoons
of hydrated chia seed at the end. 

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