Friday, May 13, 2011


After resisting for a few weeks, I've been coerced into playing on a softball team with our friends.  I have to say, I'm a little bit excited about it.  I originally didn't want to play because I'm TERRIBLE at anything baseball related, but after seeing that the team is full of people at my skill level I decided to join.  I haven't played a competitive sport in a while and the thought of it gets me going.  I just like to win.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm pretty competitive.  Though I don't have have high hopes that the team will win many games, I still want to play at my best.  But considering I can't hit, throw, or catch a ball, I will always being playing at my best as long as there is slight improvement.

Nick and I are starting to do sprints to get into shape.  I am so sore.  Even though Emmy and I jog two and a half miles everyday, we're just jogging.  It's not that taxing.  My lungs are in pretty good shape now, but my muscles aren't used to being pushed to go so fast and hard.  My abs and ribs are really tender.  It hurts just to blow my nose!  Last night I tried to turn over in bed and woke up because of the soreness.  We will be doing the sprints again tonight after I get back from my evening run.  As people say, no pain, no gain.

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