Thursday, June 07, 2012

Bedazzled Tutus for my Flower Girls

Last night Nick and I went to his niece's end of the year Jr. Kindergarten recital in Walnut Creek.  We figured this would be a good time to ask the little girls to be our flower girls since we only see them about once a month or so.  Originally, I didn't want flower girls in my wedding (no matter who I married) simply because I wanted a relatively small bridal party.  All of that changed when I met Nick and his group of 20+ friends.  There was no way of having a small bridal party with that group. So once that realization hit, I figured I may as well roll with it.  Nick also had it set in his mind when we met that if we got married that he wanted his nieces to be in the wedding also.  So we've been pretty set on this decision for a year or so. Now that the time has finally come, I wanted to do something special for the girls.  They are both at the age (four and five) where they love tutus.  I wanted to ask them to be my flower girls last week, but the tutus that I had been planning on bedazzling hadn't been delivered yet.  What little girl doesn't like bedazzled play things?  I'm a grown adult and I like bedazzled play things.  My friend Bonnie and I still bedazzle cups and coozies to use during movie and Shakespeare theater nights...we are far from being considered little girls.  I was very excited to give the girls their sparkly tutus and almost wanted to make one for myself!  They loved them of course and wore them home over their dresses and jeans.

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Emmy hates when I dress her up, but I couldn't help myself.

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Pretty glittery bags!

1 comment:

The Bowers! said...

OMG Miss Emmydooz is sooooooooooooo cute in that tutu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!