Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tonight's Dinner: January 27, 2014

After going to Costco and fighting the crowds, I was quite tired and grumpy so Nick made dinner.  I was planning on just boiling up some ravioli and opening a jar of tomato sauce, but he wanted to make something more elaborate.  This week is going to be hectic with Chinese New Year on Friday and the Super Bowl on Sunday.  Not to mention, a bridal shower and dinner in the City for the New Year on Saturday.   Planning Friday’s dinner has consumed me.  I have to get Emmy bathed, the food purchased and prepped while also finding a giant can of chili for the potluck that we’re going to on Sunday. My Costco doesn’t sell large cans anymore so I’m going to have to find time to go to Smart and Final.

While I did some crafting for a baby shower that I’m hosting Nick made a delicious dinner of chicken-mozzarella ravioli in a creamy sauce with chicken, mixed dark greens, and squash.  

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