What I like to do is sit out our counter in my bathroom and soak my feet in hot water. That way when the water gets cold I can easily drain and refill the sink without wasting a lot of water as I would if I were using a bucket. Then after I have soaked for a while I use the Sally Hansen scrub to get all the loose dead skin off. Once I'm done with that I use a Dr. Scholl's foot sander tool to slough off all the dry skin from my heels and around my big toes. Usually this is the point where I would just put foot lotion on to hydrate my feet, but this week I tried something new. I took the foot scrub again and rubbed it in on dry feet. It felt pretty harsh on my newly buffed skin, but the end result was fabulous. My feet felt so soft afterwards. I then put on the Sally Hansen foot cream that I got and threw on some socks. My feet have been feeling wonderful ever since. It would be nice if I could do that two or three times a week, but I don't really have time for that.

As I have said, I love this product. I find the scent to be refreshing and the grains to be quick dissolving for easy clean up. The scrub itself consists of what I would consider a medium-sized grain, which is good for sloughing off dead skin. If it were any smaller than this it wouldn't be very effective. The formula is rather dry, but does come with some moisturizing oils in it. When storing it, I suggest laying it flat as the oils began to leak when I had it on its side. After using this my feet felt smooth and slightly slippery from the oil while they were still wet. When dry my feet felt clean and smooth like I had just put on some intense foot lotion. The downside is that I have a hard time getting out the scrub of the container. I scoop it up with my fingers, but because of all the individual grains I tend to lose some of it from my fingers when transferring from the pot to my feet. It is like picking up moist sugar.
I enjoy this hydrating foot cream, however it doesn't really stand out. A lot of times I will use my regular Aveeno body lotion from Costco and tend to like it a little better. I do like it better than any of the Freeman brand foot lotions that I have used because it is thicker and doesn't run like a lot of the Freeman products. The scent is pleasant and is the same citrusy smell of the scrub. They were definitely made to be used together. I use this every night after my showers to maintain my pedi, but it leaves and odd residue that I don't care for. It doesn't feel greasy like some lotions, but almost waxy. You know when you go into a store and they've just waxed their floors and your shoes feel like they're slipping when you walk? That's the feeling I get with this lotion, but directly on my feet. I always have to put socks on right afterwards so that I can't feel it.
Last but not least, the hand cream. I've been using this every time I need something on my hands. Again, this is a good lotion, but not memorable. There is a slight fragrance, but it isn't nearly as strong as the foot cream or scrub. When I do put this on, it feels like I need a lot of this to cover both of my hands, but when I put too much on it doesn't absorb well. Right now I only have mildly dry hands from general washing and having the heat on in the house. When I put this on it helps, but as soon as I wash my hands again I need to put more on. This leads me to believe/think that the lotion sits on top of my skin to cover the ashiness, but doesn't actually absorb to help with the cracks. The lines on the backs of my hands near the knuckles also seem more pronounced than if I were to use a really heavy healing lotion. I think that the lightness of this cream puts it a notch down from heavier healing lotions. I would definitely use this for everyday wear, as I have been, but I wouldn't grab for this if my hands were dry and chapped. For chapped hands I would rather reach for Aveeno or Eucerin for healing cream. Eucerin tends to be thicker and greasier, but it gets the job done and makes my skin feel much better. I would rather deal with the greasy stickiness than have dry hands.
The the good thing about all these new supplies is that I didn't spend more than $2.50 on any of them. That's a bargin since they are all around $7 each normally. I don't think I would pay full price for the lotions, but I would definitely consider the scrub. With so many different scrubs out there though, I would probably end up spending my money on trying something new.
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