Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tonight's Dinner: October 23, 2012

Tonight it was Nick's turn to make dinner.  I've been making a lot recently and have been getting tired of doing it so he decided to give me a break.  Plus, usually I cook so that I don't have to clean.  I had planned on making a tortilla soup because I had cut too many tortillas into strips for my enchilada casserole.  I gave Nick a recipe to follow, which he never does, but the soup was delicious and I felt nice and relaxed at the end of the night.  He has also fully adopted my habit of cleaning while he cooks so by the time I went to clean the dishes, all I had was the pot and my bowl to clean.  I always try to keep my pot usage down for ease of cleaning at the end of the night.  If I use a pot for pasta I'll wash it while the sauce is cooking so that Nick won't have to clean it after dinner.  Or better yet, drain the pasta and then make the sauce in the same pot.  We all know how food coma sets in especially at the end of the day.

He baked the tortillas strips with some EVOO, salt and pepper at 375 for about
20 minutes.  These were so delicious an much more healthy than store-bought
chips.  We used flour tortillas.  They reminded me a little bit of those fried strings
that go on top of Chinese Chicken Salad.  

Nick's bowl of tortilla soup.  Nick and I both love avocado so we each got a
whole one to put  in our soup. 

I like lettuce with my Mexican food.  Before you say, holy cow that's a big bowl,
I didn't end up finishing it and Emmy and I went for a 2.6 mile run (I mapped it).

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